Latest disclosures, Hilo Gallery

May 2015
Hilo Gallery


Melisa Boratyn & Mariel Breuer
Artists: Luciana Rondolini & Marcos Mangani


All exhibitions

Minimal interventions

Cheap Labour

MAPA Fair, Wunsch Gallery, Buenos Aires

Conexión: Buenos Aires, Madrid

The real, the look

Openart Sweden

XXIV Jorge Klemm Prize, Buenos Aires

Today is a good day to be an activist, Proyecto Pozo


On paper, Del Infinito Gallery

Burton & Rondolini, Fortabat Collection

Exercises for THE END, Del infinito Gallery

Like a flash. The otherness. CNB

ARTEBA Fair, Del Infinito Gallery, Buenos Aires

Digital uncertainty

Desire: Four artists from Buenos Aires, FU Art Gallery

Geometry as a condition of possibility, FNA

The lineage of the stones, The Mission. Chicago

Vanitas, ABC Art Berlin Contemporary

End of the game.The nature of a fact is its irony, PROA

Impulsarte Grant, La Rural, Buenos Aires, Recoleta Cultural Center

Stoa, Miaumiau Studio

Arteba Fair 2013, Ruby Gallery, Buenos Aires

Tomorrow is just a song away, Ruby Gallery

Arteba Fair 2012, Ruby Gallery, Buenos Aires

My worst nightmares, La Ene

Tiffany, El Cubo

Alucinada, Braga Menéndez Gallery

Cosmic Calamity

Mariette Lydis &

Expansive II The tense calm of the surface MY SILVER PATH, CCSM San Martin Cultural Center